The JPB Foundation - Environment Program
State Implementation Plan support;
Youth climate justice movement
Outreach and networking of youth climate justice organizations to philanthropic partners; Grantee group meeting coordination, organization and Facilitation; Site visits and Project Tracking; Progress Report drafting; Upgraded and improved Budget Tracking spreadsheet.
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) -
Diversity and Inclusion
Outreach to Minority Serving Institutions - Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUS), Tribal Colleges and Universities, and Hispanic-Serving Institutions - for networking and recruitment; Internal organizational DEI assessment and advisement.
Diversity and Inclusion
Consulted the National Renewable Energy Lab on expanding its stakeholder engagement and outreach to Minority Serving Institutions for its Collegiate Wind Turbine Design Competition; Evaluation and assessment of past strategies for expansion of its WINDExchange Program.